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Frequently Asked Question!

Clean Beauty means no harsh ingredient

  • We exclude a full list of potential irritants that we constantly update and expand.
  • Our products are amongst the safest in the industry

Clean Beauty means Kindness you can feel.

  • Our products are white, translucent or have clear formulas that are as pure as possible.
  • They get absorbed into the skin instantly, leaving no greasy after feeling or residues.
  • Visible results on skin, always respecting its natural ecosystem.

Clean Beauty means Kindness to Planet and Animals.

  • We are PETA certified, cruelty free and vegan.
  • We use sustainably sourced ingredients, recycled packing to leave the smallest footprint possible.

Simple is the gold standard of clean beauty with products that have no color, no artificial fragrance and no harsh chemicals. We believe in being Kind to skin, planet and animals.

What we do is what makes us different in the most special way. What we do and how we do it is what sets us apart from others. We don’t just buy the best ingredients and then run them through automated processes to turn them into products in bulk quantities, ready to be sold for money.

Instead of sourcing just any ingredients and throwing them together, we are very selective with the best-quality ingredients and we follow some of the oldest recipes to produce carefully crafted products that your body deserves.

The THOFA Formula

Not so secret, we’ve been working on our formulations to reach the latest breakthroughs in global herbal medicine. Keeping track of new reports is really important as well as studying current trends. We also need to engage with customers and gather feedback from them to make sure our formulas are up-to-date with current ingredients that are more suitable for the effects desired.

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